Saturday, 27 March 2021

My silhouette art

 In Room 4 we've been focusing on our art for a while. We had to choose what type of silhouettes to paint. Mine is based on an image of my favourite group, I wanted to do a different one but I like how this came out as a silhouette. For the background we could chose between shades of sunsets, red to yellow, or blue to pink. I decided to use white, pink, purple, blue and a tiny bit of black at the top. While the paint was drying I began cutting the silhouette out. The bits between the legs and the rocks made it difficult to cut out so it took awhile.

Once I had fully cut it out I glued it on. It wasn't necessary but I ended up cutting little birds out and a sign - I got the idea from their previous albums, so it wasn't just random details - then I was done.

Here is how my art turned out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nadia I am Harmony from Ahipara school I like your art next time you can put in a little more birds.
