Tuesday 24 August 2021

Phone advert - literacy poster

During a recent literacy meet, we were given the task to make simple and persuasive advertisements in the form of a poster. I had to pick an object of person in my house to advertise, I choose to use my phone for this task. 

I hope you like the poster and leave a positive comment. :)

Wednesday 18 August 2021

All about me poster

Earlier this week we made a cybersmart challenge. Everyone in Room 4 each made a poster about themselves with things like their culture, pets, family and their favourite things. This is my poster with my favourite anime's to watch, my favourite groups to listen to and my lovely family.

I recommend going on some of Room 4 blogs to learn more about them, be sure to leave a postive comment too! Bye :)

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Controversial Topic : Extension T3


During today's extension lesson we began talking about the Tokyo Olympics and some controversial topics about it. I worked with Aye, Simon and Valessa to make this set of slides. We are still adding ideas so I'll update this later. Have a great week everyone, check out their blogs and leave a nice comment!