Tuesday, 28 July 2020

As I saw it... Mrs Stone's missing cupcake

Today during lunch break we realised Mrs Stone's cupcake went missing. So we are now trying to figure out who the culprit is. This work it to help us see each others perspectives, and hoping help us solve the crime.


  1. Hi! nadia michael here from wesley intermediate thanks for the nice coment on my blog :D I also really like this post I hope the cupcake gets returned to its rightful owner and that you catch the culprit right in the act anyway it was a really funny and iteresting post I hope to see more great posts in the future

    - Michael

  2. Hola Nadia!

    My name is Lucy and I go to Wesley Intermediate.
    This an amazing slide on a cool topic! Did you find out who took the cupcake? Please tell me if you did!

    Kind Regards,
