Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Stonks, Robert, and Craig's 'Epic' fart fail

This is my piece of writing from a few weeks ago. In our writing group we all gave random idea's and had a vote to decide on the characters and the setting. The characters we had to use were Stonks guy, Craig and Robert, while the setting was in the KFC bathrooms. Majority voted to have the problem be an explosion caused by the groups farting challenge. It was difficult to think of an idea for this story but it was ton's of fun to write, I hope you enjoy it!  

NOTE : This is a piece of crack writing. This story is not serious at all and barely has logic. 
Also may contain memes and jokes, if you don’t understand such jokes, I’m sorry to say you are most likely a boomer. Do not take any of that seriously though.

So buckle up for this weird and wonderful crack piece of writing.

“Stonks! Challenge, follow me, now!” Craig yelled coming out of the KFC bathrooms. Stonks follows Craig to the toilets only to see Robert doing the loudest and longest fart he can. At first Stonks guy was confused until Craig followed Robert’s actions but much bigger.

“✨Y E S✨” Robert said with stars in his eyes like the emoji. 

“That’s the challenge?” Stonks guy said, his expression showed not much enthusiasm. Only a few seconds later he was laughing hard out, slapping his knee. Craig and Robert stare at each other saying he’s a mad man with just their eyes.

“Well it’s not very good is it? How about I try” Stonks guy says after his laughing fit. That’s where things went wrong. 

Stonks let out a fart so big, so loud and super stinky. The sentch of the fart could be smelt of outside the KFC toilets, possibly outside the KFC building itself. Everyone gagged at the horrid smell before bursting out in laughter. 

“Let’s do it again!” Craig yells. “I can’t lose to Stonks guy!”

They all had their turns again, this time Craig had won with a fart that they could have sworn lasted a minute. Then it happened, the most wonderful idea that Robert could think of.

“Guys… Let’s fart all at once! Let’s see how bad yet awesome it’ll be!” Robert said with a serious face at first, but as he continued his words the excitement became evident in his voice. Everyone agreed and they started counting down.


“Let it rip boys!” With those four words they let everything out. 

The floor beneath them started shaking leaving them shooketh. The stall doors in the bathroom suddenly flung open - if they didn’t fling open then they probably broke off - at that moment, they knew, they messed up.

“GOTTA GO FAST” Craig exclaimed, running away.

“RuN LIkE tHe WInD, rUN LIKe ThE SKy” Robert yelled following behind Craig, and running almost as fast as Hinata a.k.a ✨l i g h t n i n g f a s t✨.

“These guys can’t just leave me” Stonks says, pouting like a child who wasn’t allowed to buy their favourite candy.

“Ahhh well… YEET” Stonks said, Naruto running out of the KFC toilets. 

The three boy's ran to the table they sat at before the fart challenge, grabbing their now cold food. They were out of KFC in an instint and nowhere to be found.

One of the workers noticed the loud sounds of the doors crashing to the ground, and the shattered shards of glass spread on the floor. He had no idea what was happening, but when he saw the three troublemakers exit the bathroom in a rush he knew something was up.

“That’s weird.. that’s suspicious” The worker said while walking over to the toilet. He peaks in and sees the biggest mess ever made.

“HOLY SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS” He shouts, it seems like he was too loud as one of his co-workers heard him.

“CHILE- CHILL” One of the female employees yelled back at him before walking over to the scene to see what happened. She continued to stare at the used-to-be clean bathroom which currently looks like a tornado hit it.

“WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT IS THAT?!” She said with a surprised pikachu face.

- The End -

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nadia!, what a creative writing you have written. This was enjoyable to read! It has a good choice of vocabulary if you ask me.
