Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Y8 Reflection/Recount- Camp - Day 1

Day 1

Last week, Wednesday, the year 8’s headed off to camp. On the ride to camp there was chatting and singing from the back to the front of the bus. Everyone was happy, and even more when we arrived.

We were split into our groups - Thames, Coromandel, Kauri and Kauaeranga - and given face paint, a different colour for each group. I was in Thames and our colour was yellow. After everyone in the teams had paint on their face we went to the gymnasium, it was huge.

Inside the gym each group made a team chant, played fun games and we all came together to have a dance battle and show off our chants. Often Thames would place second, but it didn’t matter because we had lots of fun.

The games were like a warm up before we did our first rotation, again we were in our teams but just the girls in one and the boys in the other. Now the groups were Thames A and Thames B or Kauri A, Kauri B.

Our first rotation was Camp search. We got given a map and a sheet of paper with clues of where to go. The activity itself was quite fun and kept us active, running around and all. But our team wasn't working together properly. I feel like if we worked together more - instead of splitting up - we possibly could have broken the record time.

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