Monday 10 August 2020

Step Up 2021

This years Step Up Programme was a remarkable time! I'm very grateful that the teachers and staff gave us the opportunity to step up and out of our comfort zone. I feel like the year 7's for next year will find these activities just as fun as we did, but I think it could be better if we did some other activities.

We should definitely keep Mrs Moala's murder mystery, it's fun and mysterious it also gets people using their heads to solve the problem. I think doing the sports is fine but maybe we could do different sports, maybe the year 7's could suggest the sports they want to play a few weeks before so that the teachers can put it in the timetable. The activities are all fun so even if it's still the same next year I'm sure the year 7's will have an amazing three days.

Overall , these three days are really important for both the year 7's and year 8's. It's good for us to work together and have fun during those three days, and learn to step up.

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