Monday 6 December 2021

Attitude talk - Puberty

Earlier today we had attitude talk about puberty. The special person who had talked to us girls was Jannah. Thanks to her short stories and fun games we all enjoyed this experience and learnt a lot. I hope the year 7's and 8's of next year can meet Jannah and have fun with her attitude talks. Jannah also told us to always believe in ourselves and that we have value so let that stick with you because I know I will always remember that.

Thanks Jannah for giving us and entertaining yet informational puberty talk, I'm sure all the year 7 and 8 girls enjoyed it! :)

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Mrs Stone and baby Ruby :)

 Earlier this morning all of Team 5 had a meet with a special guest. Mrs Stone and her beautiful baby Ruby had joined a meet with us. She was so cute! :)

Each class got to talk to Mrs Stone and ask as many questions as we wanted. Since Mrs Stone was originally Room 4's teacher we got to spend extra time with her. It was fun to see her again and with her baby. Room 3 even sang Ruby 'twinkle twinkle little star'. I think it was a great way to start the day, I'm sure everyone was happy to she Mrs Stone again. 

Tuesday 16 November 2021

DIMIC task - Cycling

 Hello, welcome or welcome back to my blog. 
Although today we didn't have a maths meet I decided to do this short and quick little DIMIC task. I solved them differently but with the same thinking, just doubling the number (as he goes twice on the same route) and multiplying it by the amount of days. 

Bryde's whales

Hello! Welcome or welcome back to my blog.

Today we had an extension meet where we continued talking about one of the endangered whale species in NZ, the Bryde's whale.

I found 3 interesting facts on the whales to share with you along with a few things we can do to stop their population numbers going down. I found out that one of the main causes of death are collisions with big ships, plus some of them get impaled on a ship's bow and dragged into port. With less ships around they would be in less danger. A more simple solution that anyone and everyone can do is to keep our environment clean by doing little things like picking up rubbish.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

5 Facts about Tuvalu's history

Talofa, this week is Tuvalu language week so I've been doing some short and simple tasks based on Tuvalu. Today I did some research on the history of Tuvalu and found these interesting facts to share with you all.  

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Phone advert - literacy poster

During a recent literacy meet, we were given the task to make simple and persuasive advertisements in the form of a poster. I had to pick an object of person in my house to advertise, I choose to use my phone for this task. 

I hope you like the poster and leave a positive comment. :)

Wednesday 18 August 2021

All about me poster

Earlier this week we made a cybersmart challenge. Everyone in Room 4 each made a poster about themselves with things like their culture, pets, family and their favourite things. This is my poster with my favourite anime's to watch, my favourite groups to listen to and my lovely family.

I recommend going on some of Room 4 blogs to learn more about them, be sure to leave a postive comment too! Bye :)